Insert Date Created or Completed

Insert "Created:" or "Completed:" and today's date at the cursor position. Does not work if cursor is next to or in a hyperlink.


Author(s) : Randy not @ MS
Category : Tags
Last Updated : June 19, 2016
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Screenshot :

Insert Date Created or Completed

Select which date to append
Changelog :

June 19, 2016 (4FD396) - Randy not @ MS
Automatically upgraded to the new Macro Language

These versions are no longer supported:

August 27, 2013 - Randy not @ MS
Initial version


Chris - 2014-11-19
I might be doing something wrong; I always get today's date!
Randy @ MS - 2013-08-30
Why this macro? Originally the intent was to expose the Created property of a paragraph. That didn\'t work for 2 reasons: 1) OneNote has odd ideas about when a paragraph is \"created\". 2) If I cut and paste the paragraph elsewhere, it will always get a new created date. I wanted this info to track when I added a \"to-do\" item to a project plan. If it was a low priority item and I haven\'t got back to it in a while, I could write it off as no longer important. I added the completed option because it made sense to track the date I completed items.
Note: I use Omer\'s technique to add the macro to the Quick Access tool bar. Once the macro is started it\'s easy to toggle between Created or Completed by just pressing the letter \"C\". So, put the cursor where you want the text (usually at the end of the paragraph for me), click the macro on the Quick Access bar, press C (or don\'t) and press enter.